Those working in management, human resources or executive roles at organizations in California need to have an understanding of both federal and state employment laws. After all, companies have a legal obligation to uphold workers' rights and to provide certain forms...
Business Minded, Results-Oriented Legal Services
Employer Defense
How companies can show that accommodations aren’t reasonable
The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) established protections for workers with disabling medical conditions at the federal level, and the California Fair Employment and Housing Act (FEHA) expanded and reinforced those rights for individuals in California. Both...
4 ways a union consultant can help your business
Unions are increasingly on the rise around the nation. You only have to look at what has happened recently with Starbucks and TCGPlayer (an eBay subsidiary) to realize that workers in many industries are troubled and frustrated, and that’s leading to more and more...
Be careful when crafting a workplace dress code
Your business is permitted to institute a dress code in the workplace. You could even mandate that your employees have to wear a specific uniform. They may not be in favor of this approach, but you’re not breaking the law if you do either of these things. Workplaces...
When is it illegal to reduce an employee’s wages?
As a general rule, if you have at-will employees working for your company, you do have the ability to reduce or increase their wages as you wish. Likewise, these employees have the option to continue working at the job or to quit and seek other employment. The amount...
Should you prohibit employee dating?
In some office situations, employee dating is fairly common. Some employees may even see it as the most natural form of dating since they spend more time with their coworkers than anyone else. It’s just where they meet people, as they used to do in college. However,...
Does California enforce non-compete agreements?
If you’re moving from another state to California to start a business, it is important to understand how the laws are going to differ from one state to the next. Do not assume that they are going to be exactly the same. Doing so can get your business into legal...
Worker misclassification can cost far more than it saves
Hiring a new employee means having some responsibilities toward that individual. From employment tax contributions to unemployment insurance and workers' compensation coverage, there are numerous expenditures that come with bringing new staff members into your...
What does the FLSA mean for California employers?
Employers bear the responsibility of protecting the rights of their employees, which is why it is imperative to understand labor laws and the rights of workers. The Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) is a federal act that outlines the rights of employees in matters...
Do your company policies violate California’s FEHA as well as federal laws prohibiting discrimination-harassment in employment?
The protection of employee rights is one of the most important responsibilities of any California company. A critical aspect of this is the establishment and enforcement of policies that are fair, reasonable and legal. If your company has policies that violate...